Sex Addiction Counseling
At Mindful Centers you are not locked into one type of counseling. We create a custom program to meet your needs.
Counseling or Therapy can be for one person or a group and may be delivered through a number of methods, from face-face dialogue, group work, telephone, email and written materials.
Counseling is largely a voluntary activity whereby clients must wish to change and collaborate willingly with the therapist or group.
We Offer Several Counseling Environments:
Results of counseling can include:
- Insight and understanding of oneself, with greater self-awareness.
- Changing of one’s beliefs and mental models.
- Increased acceptance and appreciation of oneself.
- Increased ability to control oneself and one’s urges.
- Development of skills and abilities that require self-management.
- Improved motivation towards actions that are good for one’s self.
- Understanding of others and why they act as they do.
- Increased appreciation and care for others.
- Improvement in relationships with others.
- Changing of relationship with family, friends and others.
Book A FREE 20-Minute Consultation
Reach out for help today and one of our therapists will return to you.